

Research Interests
  • Cryptography
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Simulation and Modeling
  • Languages
  • Theory of Computation

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Ungergraduate CS Research


Techniques and instabilities for 1+1 and 2+1 dimensional integrable partial differential equations
Warren D. MacEvoy
University of Arizona Disserations
The zero-dispersion limit for the odd flows in the focusing Zakharov-Shabat hierarchy
Nicholas M. Ercolani, Shan Jin, C. David Levermore, Warren D. MacEvoy, Jr.
International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2003, Issue 47, 2003, Pages 2529–2564, doi:
Electroosmotic Coupling: Incorporating Larger Surface Effects with a New Length Scale
Warren Macevoy Jr., Marco Avellaneda
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Volume 188, Issue 1, 1 April 1997, Pages 139-149. doi: 10.1006/jcis.1996.4742
Groundwater flow, multicomponent transport and biogeochemistry: development and application of a coupled process model
A Chilakapati, S Yabusaki, J Szecsody, W MacEvoy
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 43 (3-4), 303-325